Boost Your Business: How to Increase Gym Membership Now

    Written by TaskEasy, Inc.
    on August 21, 2024

    Boosting gym membership is a constant goal for fitness business owners. Between 2022 and 2023, membership increased 3.7%, with nearly 70 million Americans signing up to bulk up or slim down. (Whether they are actually exercising is a whole other question.) Experts estimate that the industry will reach over $125 billion over the next six years.

    While marketing tactics are an important tool for driving new membership revenue, those efforts must go hand in hand with maintaining value for existing members.

    Fortunately, there are a number of practical strategies that can help attract new members while keeping current ones engaged – and hopefully satisfied enough to pass along word-of-mouth recommendations. This article offers insight into leveraging social media effectively, optimizing pricing strategies and creating personalized experiences that can help your gym stand out.

    We’ll also give you tips on how and when to offer promotions, as well as unique ways to seek out potential customers. Combining these with a well-equipped gym that helps customers reach their fitness goals will help you boost your gym's income and guarantee continuous expansion.


    Leveraging Social Media for Gym Growth

    Fitness centers across the country are increasingly harnessing the power of social media to boost their presence and connect with existing as well as prospective clients. With over 5 billion social media users worldwide, understanding how to effectively leverage these platforms amid the noise is crucial.

    Crafting Engaging Content on Social Media Platforms

    Tailoring content specifically for each platform maximizes reach and engagement. The visually-driven format of Instagram lends itself perfectly to advertise a gym – members’ before-and-after transformation shots are always popular. Meanwhile, Twitter is a perfect outlet for quick fitness tips and updates. The goal on every platform is to create value that speaks directly to your audience's fitness journey.

    "Joining a gym and actually purchasing a membership is really an emotional decision," says Sam Tooley, co-owner and founder of Alpha Fit Club. His fitness center relies on Instagram to promote members' successes and demonstrate what potential clients can hope to achieve. "We're really trying to make sure that we celebrate our members."

    A strong social media presence ensures your fitness center resonates with a diverse audience and creates a sense of community, capturing potential members' interests in a unique and engaging way. Tailoring your message to each social media channel will help you appeal to a wider audience and gain the most followers possible.

    Utilizing Influencer Partnerships

    The fitness world is full of influencers who appeal to a wide range of followers. Consider your target audience and find the appropriate influencers that will engage with them on their fitness journeys and promote your gym appropriately. 

    A strategic partnership can help you benefit from these influencers' existing audiences, translating into increased gym memberships through authentic endorsements of what makes your gym stand out, be it personal training excellence or unique class offerings.

    Like social media content in general, influencers must be incorporated thoughtfully. Someone with a large following may not resonate with your audience in the most meaningful way. Ask yourself how any partnership fills the needs of your fitness community.

    Effective Strategies for Pricing

    When it comes to healthy living, members are not necessarily looking for the cheapest option but the one that will best help them reach their fitness goals. Your gym membership sales strategy should account for building a client base through appealing fitness programs that offer enough value to justify membership rates and create loyal customers. Special discounts may win over members, but they will be unlikely to renew their contract once it's up if they are unsatisfied with their experience.

    Consider integrating services that cater to the specific fitness objectives of your target audience. This could range from weight-loss programs to high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions designed by expert trainers. If your gym becomes known as the top destination for certain fitness niches, customers with that specific interest will be especially motivated to sign up.

    Strategic Promotion Timing and Offers

    With so many people setting fitness goals as New Year's resolutions, the beginning of January will always be a thriving period for increasing gym membership. Maintaining those numbers throughout the year is a challenge for fitness facility owners, however. Offering special deals and promotions are great ways to attract prospective customers, but it's important not to alienate current clients in the process. Creating loyalty programs that reward members who work out for an extended period could be an effective marketing technique.

    Offering Continuous Value

    To foster loyalty among existing members and attract new ones outside peak seasons, gyms must offer undeniable value beyond basic access to equipment. 

    "A workout does require a certain level of willingness to work hard," says Tooley. "We're definitely catering to members who maybe [outgrew] their fitness regimen and they're looking for a little bit more, or they're looking for guidance and accountability, which we can offer them."

    These sorts of gym members are likely to offer valuable word-of-mouth endorsements, transforming them into enthusiastic champions for your fitness business.

    "When people get results, they're definitely more willing to talk about it," says Tooley. "I would say that the majority of people who are coming in are through word of mouth."

    Providing Exceptional Fitness Services

    As important as marketing strategies may be, ultimately, nothing matters more to the success of a fitness center than providing the best services possible. This involves hiring skilled personal trainers, introducing a variety of fitness classes, offering the most popular and up-to-date gym equipment, and ensuring that these factors align with the diverse fitness objectives of your members.

    Fitness Class Diversity

    It takes a dedicated mix of unique and tailored fitness classes to draw new members to the gym and keep them committed. Gyms with diverse offerings, from pulse-pounding HIIT to serene stretches of yoga and Pilates, can attract a broader clientele, meeting them where they are on their path to fitness. A variety of classes not only spices things up but also nurtures members as they progress toward their changing wellness ambitions, making sure customer needs are always met.

    Personal Trainer Excellence

    Don't underestimate the appeal of personal trainers. About 14% of gym members take advantage of personal training, and they can foster important relationships that build customer loyalty. By crafting personalized workout plans that cater directly to an individual's fitness goals, they encourage members to continue coming back as they see increasing signs of success.

    "We've got every type of coach under the sun," says Tooley. "You've got certain [trainers] who bring energy and bring hype to every single class. You've got others who are incredible at correcting form. They have the freedom and flexibility to create their own playlist and bring their personality to the class." That helps members discover the fitness experience best suited for their needs.

    The standards for fitness instructors vary from gym to gym. You may find it worthwhile to pay higher salaries for trainers with certification. It shows a dedication to your members in providing them the best service possible and offers a competitive advantage.

    Maintaining an Appealing Exterior

    Any advantage a gym owner can find in the competitive landscape of fitness facilities is essential to take, and customer feedback shows that 95% of consumers admit that exterior appearance influences where they choose to do business.

    "Being a fitness facility, people want that clean, sexy look," says Tooley. "Making sure [the facility] is well-kept is important to us, whether that's our landscaping or the paint, or the signage, or our window decals. There's really no stone that we don't turn over to make sure that someone who's driving by will know what we're about and can set their expectations."

    TaskEasy streamlines commercial landscaping services by connecting your fitness studio with vetted and reliable landscapers. It ensures quality service – without adding additional time or responsibilities to a gym owner’s already busy plate. While TaskEasy focuses on managing your outdoor space, you can focus on keeping your current members happy while leveraging marketing to drive new membership sales. Get a quote today!

    FAQs in Relation to How to Increase Gym Membership

    How can I help members maximize their fitness experience?

    Encourage them to utilize all the perks your gym offers, such as attending classes regularly and scheduling sessions with personal trainers if available.

    How do you attract customers to the gym?

    Create enticing deals for newcomers and leverage social media to showcase your vibrant community and success stories. Partnering with local businesses helps too, as well as hosting classes and events while maintaining a vibrant and inviting exterior appearance.

    How can TaskEasy benefit my gym?

    Customers value a clean and attractive exterior. TaskEasy offers you a competitive edge with simple commercial landscaping experience in which we handle vendor management from sourcing to completion. Our easy-to-use platform allows you to keep track of service completion through before and after photos and provides you with one invoice for all of your properties.  Take your time back to continue growing your business. Get a free custom quote today!

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