Three Steps to the Perfect Lawn

Written by TaskEasy
on April 21, 2014

We all know a well maintained lawn is attractive, but do you know how to achieve the best results? There are three basic steps to follow for a thick, green yard.


First, let’s talk about when you should mow your lawn. Some people think that cutting your grass really short is best because you won’t have to mow as much. This is a mistake. Short grass means less shade to protect the roots and the sun may scorch it yellow. For a lush lawn we recommend never cutting your grass below three inches.

Another basic rule is to never cut more than one-third of the grass blades at a time. For the first mow of the season set your mower blades high. Gradually lower them with each cut until you achieve the desired height. If you cut the grass too short too fast is stresses the plant stems. With each mow your grass will improve. It’s sort of like survival of the fittest. The healthiest shoots survive while the weak ones are eliminated.

Next, don’t bag all that fallen grass. Allow some to stay on the lawn. It works like a fertilizer and helps revitalize the soil. Also, never mow wet grass. Not only will your yard look uneven, but it can cause fungus to develop.


Aeration is a way to charge up your lawn by providing it with more oxygen, sunlight, and water. As you walk and play on your lawn the soil gets compacted. That can block it from absorbing those three key ingredients. Aerating removes plugs of soil from the ground thus freeing up space for air, sun, and moisture to reach the roots.

Roots have a difficult time growing in crowded spaces. Aeration gives them room to spread out and firmly plant themselves in the earth. Did we mention earthworms? These slimy creatures help your soil and need that extra room to become established.

Aeration prevents thatch build-up. Thatch is that layer of dead and living stems that develop between the grass and soil. A thin layer provides a bit of insulation. However, anything more than one inch can lead to lawn disease, water deprivation, and too many insects.


If you don’t eat for a long time your body begins to lose energy and die; same thing goes for grass. Water will sustain grass for awhile, but the real sustenance comes from food. Fertilizer is that feast for your lawn. If you apply it correctly the grass will spring up faster, thicker, and more colorful.

Fertilizer strengthens the roots which help protect against heat and drought. As the roots plant themselves more firmly in the ground they leave no room for weeds. You can also buy fertilizer to protect against bugs.

If your yard gets muddy after a rainfall then fertilizer can toughen the soil. The healthier lawn will soak up that extra moisture. Mud be gone!

With these three steps not only will your lawn be the envy of the neighborhood, but it will develop the strength to withstand the cold of winter - making your job easier next spring.

Need some help getting your yard in tip-top shape? Contact TaskEasy for an instant quote from a local contractor!

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